The novel “The Krillitane Storm” by Christopher Cooper was published for the first time in 2009.
The Tenth Doctor arrives near Worcester in 1139, when it’s just a village. While looking for an inn to stay overnight during what’s supposed to be a quiet vacation, he realizes that the place is practically deserted. When he finds the inn, he struggles to be admitted and when the owners let him in, they explain that there’s a curfew because the Devil’s Huntsman is hunting down the inhabitants of the area.
That night the Doctor hears a strange scream followed by another one coming from a human. He rushes to investigate and discovers a Krillitane who has just killed a man and flies away as soon as he sees him. Local militiamen find the Doctor next to the corpse and capture him but, while they’re taking him to the prison, a girl comes forward claiming to be the Doctor’s wife and offering an alibi for him.