
A review blog

Fireball by Lee Gimenez

The novel “Fireball” by Lee Gimenez was published for the first time in 2018. It’s part of the J.T. Ryan series.

The murder of three important people convinces the president of the USA of the existence of a conspiracy to throw the nation into chaos. For this reason, he calls a top-secret meeting to assign FBI Assistant Director Erin Welch and Alex Miller of the CIA to the investigation. J.T. Ryan is summoned also due to his military background and Miller announces that he will include agent Rachel West in the operations.

The investigation is even more complex than normal due to the need to keep it very confidential. J.T. Ryan cannot count on Lisa Booth’s assistance and must expose himself more than ever to the risks that come with his job. The political ramifications indicate that someone behind the conspiracy is capable of applying pressure at high levels through bribery or blackmail to target American institutions.

Proxima Dreaming by Brandon Q. Morris

The novel “Proxima Dreaming” by Brandon Q. Morris was published for the first time in 2021. It’s the third book in the Proxima Trilogy and follows “Proxima Dying”. The English translation is by Frank Dietz.

Eve is alone in the alien structure and must try to survive. She’s losing hope, partly because she doesn’t know what really happened to Adam. The dangers for her are not over, also because she knows nothing about the creatures who seem to be in a state of stasis.

Gronar wakes up without knowing how much time has passed. The situation he finds makes him think that there’s a dangerous creature that must be dealt with. Things get more complicated but this could also open up new opportunities to fulfill his mission.

The Shining Man by Cavan Scott

The novel “The Shining Man” by Cavan Scott was published for the first time in 2017.

The latest viral sensations on the Internet are what are called the Shining Men. These are alleged supernatural creatures who are tall, with long lank hair, blank faces, and above all, blazing eyes. According to what is said, whoever is taken by them is taken away and vanishes forever. In many cases, jokers were discovered disguised as Shining Men but some cases are inexplicable.

When the Twelfth Doctor and Bill Potts come across a strange story that includes the disappearance of a woman, the tales seem quite realistic. What are the Shining Men? The Doctor links them to sightings that have become part of folklore but this means they live in a world invisible to humans. Even the Doctor must use caution when venturing into that world.

The Micronauts by Gordon Williams

The novel “The Micronauts” by Gordon Williams was published for the first time in 1977. It’s the first book in the Micronauts trilogy.

Overpopulation led to famines and growing social unrest. Only the World Food Control (WFC), under the auspices of the UN, is somehow maintaining order in the world, often using force. Commissioner Towne rules it firmly but is becoming increasingly paranoid.

When Towne discovers that George Richards, one of his most trusted subordinates, has been using his authority to steal various assets, he immediately begins an investigation. The ruthless Security Commander Andrei Khomich, not accidentally nicknamed “The Butcher”, is tasked with uncovering Richards’ plans and what emerges is the Arcadia project but what is it?

Sea Change by Nancy Kress

The novel “Sea Change” by Nancy Kress was published for the first time in 2020.

Renata Black uses the alias Caroline Denton when she works for the Org, a underground organization that carries out genetic research to create plants better suited to the new climate situation of 2032. Members of the Org are violating the ban on genetic engineering and as a result, are considered terrorists by all American government agencies.

An unexpected event is always viewed with suspicion by Org members because there can never be too many precautions. Renata/Caroline knows only a few members of the Org precisely to limit the risks and yet it can happen that someone is discovered and arrested. Despite this, the Org tries to save humanity.