
Blogs about transhumanism

Elon Musk and Neuralink's robot surgeon (Image courtesy Neuralink)

In a presentation given yesterday, Elon Musk updated the public on Neuralink’s work on creating an interface between the human brain and computer. In July 2019, the entrepreneur showed a prototype announcing that the company was about to begin testing on humans. Actually, the neural implant was redesigned and tested on pigs, included in the demonstration. Neuralink is working to begin human testing of this new version.

Neuralink's chip (Image courtesy Neuralink)

In a presentation held yesterday, Elon Musk explained the progress made by Neuralink in the creation of an interface between the human brain and computer. When he started talking about projects of this type he called it “neural lace”, an idea taken from science fiction. Now, however, the first implant prototypes have been built and the company seems ready to start tests on human beings since it’s taking the necessary steps to obtain the approval required to perform them.

The Wall Street Journal reported the launch of Neuralink, the new Elon Musk company. The restless founder and CEO of SpaceX and Tesla Motors has opened another company to develop a technology that allows to directly connect the human brain to a computer. Neuralink was registered as a medical research company because the project doesn’t have a transhumanist purpose only but also aims to develop treatments for neurological problems.

A few days ago, Ray Kurzweil spoke at the Wall Street Journal CIO Network conference telling about the progress waiting for us in the future. The famous futurist, who in December 2012 started working with Google, has spoken of nanotechnologies and biotechnologies that already in 2030 could radically change the lives of human beings, strengthening our bodies and our minds. Kurzweil also spoke of immortality and has a plan to reach it.

Larry Page in the European Parliament in 2009

Google’s co-founder and CEO Larry Page (Photo ©Marcin Mycielski) announced the launch of Calico (California Life Company ), a company that has a really ambitious purpose: challenging the problem of aging and the diseases associated with it. The ultimate goal is longevity or even immortality.