November 2011

Doctor Who - The Chase

“The Space Museum” is an adventure of the second season of “Doctor Who” classic series which aired in 1965. It follows “The Space Museum” and it’s a six parts adventure written by Terry Nation and directed by Richard Martin.

Doctor Who - The Space Museum

“The Space Museum” is an adventure of the second season of “Doctor Who” classic series which aired in 1965. It’s a four parts adventure written by Glyn Jones and directed by Mervyn Pinfield.

Artistic concept of the New Horizons space probe near Pluto and its satellite Charon (Image Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute)

Planetary scientists Guillaume Robuchon and Francis Nimmo of the University of California at Santa Cruz are examining the possibility that Pluto has an underground ocean analyzing the possible signs of its existence. In 2015 the New Horizon space probe should reach Pluto to discover this and other stuff.