The Sun’s magnetic field will soon flip

An artistic concept of the heliospheric current sheet (Image Werner Heil)
An artistic concept of the heliospheric current sheet (Image Werner Heil)

In 3 or 4 months the Sun’s magnetic field will reverse. This phenomenon is cyclical and occurs once every 11 years or so so it has nothing to do with pseudo-catastrophic prophecies. However, there will be consequences throughout the solar system but not necessarily negative.

At Stanford’s Wilcox Solar Observatory they have accumulated a lot of experience in the observation of the Sun’s magnetic field since they’ve already recorded three reversals since 1976. Physicist Phil Scherrer, who works at Stanford, explained that the polar magnetic fields weaken until they reach zero and then emerge again but with the opposite polarity.

To clarify one of the doubts that people with limited knowledge in this field may have, especially if they have had the misfortune of running into sensationalist articles that have no scientific basis, this phenomenon is purely magnetic. Therefore the Sun will not physically flip but will continue its normal motions. Similarly, when will there will be the reversal of Earth’s magnetic field, the phenomenon will be magnetic while the planet will normally continue its motions.

The heliospheric current sheet is shaped like a skirt that extends throughout the solar system. Its shape becomes more undulated during the reversal phase of the Sun’s magnetic poles. These changes have various effects also electric because the current that’s produced is extremely low in power but the total amount is huge. From the practical point of view, there may be radio interference and aurora borealis.

Another effect concerns the heliosphere’s shield against cosmic rays. These high energy particles that have various sources outside the solar system are deflected by the Sun’s magnetic field. When it becomes more undulated in the vicinity of its reversal this shield becomes even more efficient.

The magnetic reversal happens slowly, so much that the Sun’s north pole has already changed its polarity but it will take another 3 or 4 months for this to happen at its south pole as well to complete its cycle.

The instruments available to scientists are becoming more and more sophisticated so they’re keeping an eye on the Sun with great attention to observe as many details as they can of its magnetic inversion. The solar activity obviously have significant effects on the Earth and its cycles can affect the Earth’s climate therefore the more we know the better we can cope with the changes on the planet.

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