August 2019

Hideo Furuya (Eiji Inoue) in Gaman (Image courtesy AMC Studios / Amazon. All rights reserved)

“Gaman” is the third episode of the second season of the TV show “The Terror”, which was named “The Terror: Infamy”, and follows “All the Demons Are Still in Hell”. It’s broadcast in the USA on AMC Studios and in other nations on Amazon Prime Video.

The now ex inhabitants of Terminal Island must get used to life in the camp, where they meet other Americans of Japanese heritage. Chester Nakayama (Derek Mio) is looking for a way to provide for Luz Ojeda (Cristina Rodlo), but the girl finds it difficult to be accepted by the others. A reunion that’s supposed to be a source of joy becomes bitter instead while Hideo Furuya (Eiji Inoue) seems to be targeted again by an evil entity.

An almost complete skull of Australopithecus anamensis offers new clues to the evolution of hominins

Two articles published in the journal “Nature” report different aspects of a research on a fossil skull of Australopithecus anamensis, the oldest species of its genus and considered the ancestor of Australopithecus afarensis, the species to which the individual nicknamed Lucy belongs. Yohannes Haile-Selassie, Stephanie Melillo and several colleagues in the two teams studied an almost complete fossil skull, which makes it by far the best preserved one among the ones attributed to that species. It offers new information on the history of australopithecines and therefore of the evolution of hominins which led to that of human beings.

ESports are becoming something really big with professional video gaming constantly growing. Professional organizations mean greater competitions with media coverage that can go beyond the tournaments’ live streaming and more money. There are arguments about eSports being real sports but the International Olympic Committee already started looking into their possible recognition. Don’t expect to watch eSports at the next Olympic Games but you can be sure that you’ll hear about them more and more. If you’re into gaming and you’re motivated enough, you might consider them as a possible line of work.

Doctor Who - Meglos

“Meglos” is an adventure of the eighteenth season of “Doctor Who” classic series, which aired in 1980. It follows “The Leisure Hive” and it’s a four parts adventure written by John Flanagan and Andrew McCulloch and directed by Terence Dudley.

The civilization on the planet Tigella is in danger: the survivors live underground exploiting the energy of the Dodecahedron but it started fluctuating. The tensions between the scientists faction and the religious faction increase the problems and the leader Zastor hopes for a solution from an old acquaintance, the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker), who’s arriving together with Romana II (Lalla Ward).

Meglos is an intelligent plant that remained hidden under the surface of the planet Zolfa-Thura, Tigella’s neighbor. Now he intends to use a group of space pirates to go to Tigella to get the Dodecahedron and use it for his purposes.

The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four and Five by Doris Lessing (Italian edition)

The novel “The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four and Five” by Doris Lessing was published for the first time in 1980. It’s the second novel of the Canopus in Argos series and follows “Shikasta”.

The Providers decided that Al-Ith, the Queen of Zone Three, must marry Ben-Ata, the King of Zone Four as a solution to the problem of the fertility collapse of both humans and animals in the two Zones. The two sovereigns embody the practically opposite characteristics of their original Zones and their relationship, that neither of them wanted, is complicated from the beginning.

Initially, each of the two spouses is baffled by characteristics of the other they finds incomprehensible yet the contact between the two of them starts a change in them that also leads to a better mutual understanding. Their paths remain personal while the Providers have their plans that involve Zone Five as well.