
Portrait of Isaac Newton in 1689

A manuscript by Isaac Newton came to light after having been part of a private collection for decades. This year it was purchased by the “Chemical Heritage Foundation” and will be made available online in a partnership with Indiana University and in particular its project “The Chymistry of Isaac Newton”. This manuscript is someway special because it’s about alchemy, a subject Newton was very interested about in the course of his life.

The Digital Einstein Papers home page

A collaboration between the American University of Princeton and the Israeli Hebrew University of Jerusalem allowed to put on line over 80,000 pages of documents written by Albert Einstein in the Digital Einstein project. The documents correspond to a set of paper books published in recent years by the Princeton University Press.

That’s not the only project that aims to make all the writings of the great scientist available. In recent years the University of Jerusalem created the “Einstein Archives Online”. Both projects are carried out with the collaboration of CalTech and include not only scientific papers but also letters and other personal writings.

One of the images on the Higgs Hunters site

A few days ago, CERN opened the Open Data portal, where the organizazion made available to anyone information on the experiments of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Now a collaboration between the University of Oxford, the New York University, The University of Birmingham, the Zooniverse project and CERN’s ATLAS experiment led to the creation of the Higgs Hunters project that allows anyone to collaborate on a research on the Higgs boson.

CERN Open Data Portal Home Page

CERN has announced the opening of the Open Data Portal. It’s a new website that is part of the organization’s Internet infrastructure where the data produced by the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider will be made freely accessible to anyone. Many details of CERN’s ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb experiments experiments will be made available and among them there are those that led to the confirmation of the existence of the Higgs boson.

Fabiola Giannotti at the ATLAS experiment (Photo courtesy Claudia Marcelloni/CERN. All rights reserved)

CERN has announced the appointment of Italian scientist Fabiola Gianotti as new Director-General. The formalization will take place at the December meeting of the Council of Delegates that govern CERN. Dr. Gianotti’s mandate will start on January 1, 2016 and will run for five years. She’ll be the first woman to hold that office.