Google launches Android Wear for wearable computers

The Motorola Moto 360 smartwatch (Photo courtesy Motorola Mobility. All rights reserved)
The Motorola Moto 360 smartwatch (Photo courtesy Motorola Mobility. All rights reserved)

Google announced the Android Wear platform, a version of the Android operating system optimized for wearable devices. The first applications are watches, which of course will not only serve to provide the time but will be tiny portable computers. The first models to be put on the market in a few months are the Moto 360 by Motorola and the G Watch by LG.

With the launch of Android Wear, Google has opened a new section of its Android site to all the developers who want to adapt their existing applications to the new platform or create new ones for it. Android Wear has a set of basic applications to make it attractive to potential users. Being a small computer, it can keep in touch with friends through social applications and can answer questions but is also a small central control for your health.

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It seems that Google wants to focus on fitness enthusiasts, people who already use specialized mobile devices to monitor their training. The Android Wear platform includes a number of applications made ​​for this category of people, who can use it as an assistant for their training.

Motorola unveiled the Moto 360 smartwatch. The appearance is that of a classic wristwatch that will be sold in different colors and with straps of various materials. It looks like the type of product for anyone who likes to wear a stylish watch that in this case hides a real computer.

The LG G Watch smartwatch (Photo courtesy PRNewsFoto/LG Electronics. All rights reserved)
The LG G Watch smartwatch (Photo courtesy PRNewsFoto/LG Electronics. All rights reserved)

LG unveiled the G Watch smartwatch. The appearance is that of a modern wristwatch, for people who want to show the latest model of a technological product. LG states that it will be compatible with a wide range of Android smartphones in order to communicate with them. LG had already tried to produce smartwatches in recent years, now is trying again in collaboration with Google.

In fact, a number of companies have already tried to create smartwatches, watches that are real computers, with results that so far aren’t exactly exciting. Now Google has decided to bring Android on these devices, another step to bring this platform anywhere. The ability to communicate with other computers by integrating their use with that of other mobile devices and PCs may be the key to their success.

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