January 2013

The TDRS-K satellite in a processing hangar before its launch (Photo NASA/Jim Grossmann)

A few hours ago the TDRS-K satellite was launched from Cape Canaveral and after a couple of hours it separated from the Centaur, the upper stage of the rocket, to enter geosynchronous orbit, where it will begin its work. The TDRS satellites are identified by a letter before becoming operational and by a number when they start working. Therefore, the TDRS-K satellite will become TDRS-11.

Alfred Russel Wallace in 1862

A few days ago the site Wallace Correspondence Project’s (WCP) was launched. It aims to collect in digital format the letters still existent written to and from the naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace. This project has been funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and is based at the Natural History Museum in London. This initiative follows Wallace Online, another website directed by John van Wyhe, assisted by Kees Rookmaaker at the National University of Singapore in collaboration with the Wallace Page by Charles H. Smith, which collects the naturalist’s books and articles.

Scott Speedman in January 2011

“Last Resort” followed the story of the crew of the Ohio-class submarine USS Colorado. After the Captain and the XO refused to launch nuclear missiles against Pakistan because it was received through a secondary channel, the Colorado reaches the Sainte Marina island, where the crew must find a way to go back home but also face a number of dangers.

The novel “Ship of Strangers” by Bob Shaw was published for the first time in 1978. The survey starship Sarafand explores the frontiers of space to create maps of every planet discovered. Thanks to a propulsion system that allows it to instantly travel from one point of the cosmos to another, the time required to move from one planet to another is just what it takes to prepare for the jump.