February 2013

The new Earth observation Landsat satellite has been successfully launched

Starship: Pirate by Mike Resnick
The novel “Starship: Pirate” by Mike Resnick was published for the first time in 2006. It’s the secoind novel in the “Starship” series and is the sequel of Starship: Mutiny”. The crew of the former Republic starship Theodore Roosevelt decided to rebel and, commanded by Captain Wilson Cole, decided to become pirates. Their struggle, however, is against the military leadership, which they judged incompetent, not against innocent people. As a result, they must decide what kind of targets they want to attack.

Doctor Who – Dragonfire

An extraordinary image of the galaxy M106 blends science and art
Astro-photographer Robert Gendler put together several photographs of the spiral galaxy M106 (Messier 106, also known as NGC 4258) taken over the years by the Hubble Space Telescope along with those made by him and another astro-photographer, Jay GaBany, to create one of the most remarkable astronomical images ever produced.