June 2016

Lock In by John Scalzi

The novel “Lock In” by John Scalzi was published for the first time in 2014.

Chris Shane is starting a career as an FBI agent with the difficulty of being one of the many people suffering from Haden’s syndrome. Unable to control his body, Chris moves indirectly in the world by controlling a robot through a neural implant. This gives Chris a unique perspective in cases involving other people suffering from the same syndrome.

The first case for Chris Shane and agent Leslie Vann is made even more complicated by the fact that the suspect of a murder is a Integrator. Those are rare people suffering from Haden’s syndrome who not only retain the ability to interact with the outside but can also allow other people to use their body. The investigation expands rapidly but for every answer they get the two agents appear to find new questions.

Mel Brooks in 2010

Melvin James Kaminsky – this is his birth name – was born on June 28, 1926 in Brooklyn, New York, USA. Famous with his comedy and in particular parody movies, Mel Brooks is among the few to have won the so-called EGOT, meaning the Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony Awards. His works continue to make new generations of viewers laugh after decades and his masterpieces have now become real cult works.

Doctor Who - The Reign of Terror

“The Reign of Terror” is the last adventure of the first season of “Doctor Who” classic series, which aired in 1964 featuring the First Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan. It follows “The Sensorites” and it’s a six parts adventure written by Dennis Spooner and directed by Henric Hirsch.

The First Doctor (William Hartnell), Susan (Carole Ann Ford), Ian (William Russell) and Barbara (Jacqueline Hill) arrive on Earth. They hoped to be back in London in the present of the two teachers, but after a brief exploration, they realize to be in France at the time of the infamous reign of terror.

The contact with local leads to separation of the Doctor from the rest of the group. Ian, Barbara and Susan are mistaken for counter-revolutionaries and taken to Paris, where they are imprisoned. If they can’t quickly find a way to escape from the prison they’ll be guillotined!

The Garden of Rama by Arthur C. Clarke and Gentry Lee (Italian edition)

The novel “The Garden of Rama” by Arthur C. Clarke and Gentry Lee was published for the first time in 1991. It’s the sequel to “Rama II”.

Nicole Des Jardins, Richard Wakefield and Michael O’Toole remained on the enormous alien spaceship called Rama II when it resumed its journey into space leaving the solar system. During the long journey to the Sirius system they have some children but when they arrive they discover that it’s just a relatively brief stop and the mysterious builders have other plans.

A habitat suitable for human beings is built within Rama and the three passengers are asked to record a video to invite Earth to send 2,000 people to build a colony inside it. The terrestrial governments keep the message secret and the settlers think that their mission is to create a new colony on Mars.