June 2016

Sundai TaihuLight is the new king of supercomputers
After three years, the world of supercomputers has a new king: the Top500 ranking crowned Sundai TaihuLight, Chinese as its predecessor Tianhe-2 and the first to use national processors while the previous Chinese supercomputers were still using American processors, especially Intel ones. The computing power of Sundai TaihuLight is 93 PFlop/s, nearly three times that of Tianhe-2.
A Short Encyclopedia of Lunar Seas by Ekaterina Sedia
The short story “A Short Encyclopedia of Lunar Seas” by Ekaterina Sedia was published for the first time in 2012.
This guide to the lunar seas allows to appreciate its inhabitants and its connections with Russia. The lunar seas are full of life and magic, marked by the stories of the people living and working in one of them but also of those of the people who go to visit them for various reasons.

Perhaps there was a coexistence of different species of hominins in East Africa
Two articles, one published in the journal “Nature” and one in the journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” (PNAS), describe a research about the possible coexistence of different species of hominins in East Africa between 3.8 and 3.3 million years ago. In 2015 fossils found in Ethiopia were assigned to a new species called Australopithecus deyiremeda, which lived close to the species Australopithecus afarensis, the one the famous specimen nicknamed Lucy belonged to.
Citizen Komarova Finds Love by Ekaterina Sedia
The story “Citizen Komarova Finds Love” by Ekaterina Sedia was published for the first time in 2009.
Countess Komarova, the only survivor of her family, lost everything she owned during the revolution, when the red cavalry appropriated her mansion. Now just Citizen Komarova, she survives working as a clerk in a consignment shop in the suburbs of the small town of N. living in a room above the shop. A strange customer is the only distraction from boredom and the memories of her past.