The Pnume by Jack Vance
The novel “The Pnume” by Jack Vance was published for the first time in 1970. It’s the fourth novel in the Tschai tetralogy, also known with the global title “Planet of Adventure”, and follows “The Dirdir”.
Adam Reith has almost completed the difficult task of building a starship to leave the planet Tschai and finally return to Earth. To succeed, he had to pay Aila Woudiver, who supplied him with parts and workforce, well knowing that he couldn’t trust him and that sooner or later his betrayal would come.
Although a prisoner, Aila Woudiver manages to contact the Pnume, one of the species that live on Tschai and native of the planet. The Pnume prove interested in Adam Reith and kidnap him, bringing him to one of their underground cities. The Earthman must again face various dangers to hope to return to Earth.