January 2022

Transformation by James Gunn

The novel “Transformation” by James Gunn was published for the first time in 2020. It’s the third book in the Transcendental trilogy and follows “Transgalactic”.

Riley and Asha have reunited but when they return to Earth, they discover bad news. At the borders of the Galactic Federation, various planets have stopped sending communications for mysterious reasons. The Galactic Center’s pedia indicates an almost certainty of an invasion but by whom?

The galactic bureaucracy is slow to decide countermeasures, to say the least. Riley and Asha take the lead and force Federation authorities to give them the official assignment to investigate. The help of the Earth’s pedia is useful but the group becomes quite uneven with the addition of Tordor as a representative of the Federation and Adithya, who is part of a group that intends to eliminate the pedia.

Sediment from Denisova Cave (Photo courtesy Mike Morley)

An article published in the journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” reports the discovery of DNA of ancient hominins and animals dating back to the Pleistocene period in sediments taken from 13 prehistoric sites on different continents. A team of researchers including scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and geoarchaeologists collected and analyzed sediments and found that even microscopic fragments of bone and feces offer concentrations of DNA belonging to various species. That’s another step forward in the recovery of very ancient genetic material that can offer valuable information on populations of Neanderthals and other hominins whose presence can be linked to archaeological artifacts and ecological traces.

Ocean on Top by Hal Clement

The novel “Ocean on Top” by Hal Clement was published for the first time serialized in the magazine “Galaxy” in 1967 and in 1973 as a book.

When three Power Board agents disappear in the same area of ​​the Pacific Ocean within a few months, it becomes impossible to believe that these are just unfortunate accidents. The fact that it all started with the investigation of an energy leak makes the disappearances even more suspicious.

The President chooses a new agent to solve the mystery. While investigating in the ocean, the agent ends up in the midst of a storm that causes his boat to sink. When his emergency tank approaches the ocean floor, he discovers to his surprise a decidedly artificial lighting system. His surprise increases when he discovers that there are people living at the bottom of the ocean.