February 2022

The Man Who Owned the World aka He Owned the World by Charles Eric Maine

The novel “The Man Who Owned the World”, also known as “He Owned the World”, by Charles Eric Maine was published for the first time in 1961.

Robert Carson is an astronaut who is supposed to be the first man to reach the Moon. Unfortunately for him, a small meteorite hits one of his rocket’s thruster power systems, an extremely unlikely event. The result is that his rocket is sent off course and, when even the desperate attempt to use the retrorockets to correct the course fails, Carson is doomed to die in space.

When Robert Carson awakens, he finds himself in an unknown place, attached to machines. After a long series of treatments, he regains his strength and is told that he’s on Mars, where he was taken after being found wandering in space. The science developed by humans living on Mars is even capable of reanimating the dead, an extremely complex operation accomplished in his case because he’s a really important man.

Plague City by Jonathan Morris

The novel “Plague City” by Jonathan Morris was published for the first time in 2017.

The Tardis materializes in Edinburgh, in 1645. When the Twelfth Doctor, Bill Potts, and Nardole go out to explore the surroundings, they get stopped by the guards who ensure compliance with the curfew established to contain the plague that has struck the city. The travelers split up when they run and see various aspects of the dire situation.

The Doctor and Nardole meet Thomas and Isobel, who recently lost their daughter Catherine to the plague. They discover that the Night Doctor visits homes when one of the inhabitants is about to die and is dressed as a plague doctor. The spirits of the dead return to visit their relatives and the travelers see them too.

The Player of Games by Iain M. Banks

The novel “The Player of Games” by Iain M. Banks was published for the first time in 1988. It’s part of the Culture series.

Jernau Morat Gurgeh is the best player in the Culture but his skill with any type of game leads him to get bored. The Contact section offers him to go to the Empire of Azad to participate in a very special game that goes far beyond the normal concept of board game but that civilization’s home planet is many light-years away from the Culture and the journey would take a few years. The commitment seems too heavy and Gurgeh declines the offer.

The robot Mawhrin-Skel offers Gurgeh help in a match that would allow him to achieve a perfect score. Gurgeh only partially accepts the help and doesn’t achieve perfection but above all Mawhrin-Skel blackmails him to get help from him to be readmitted in Special Circumstances, which had expelled it due to its instability. To do this, Gurgeh ends up accepting the offer to travel to the Empire of Azad.

Hostile Takeover by David Bruns and Chris Pourteau

The novel “Hostile Takeover” by David Bruns and Chris Pourteau was published for the first time in 2018. It’s the third book in The SynCorp Saga series and follows “Cassandra’s War”.

The Council that decides the fate of the Earth is an uneven group of people who have very different ideas about how to save the planet from a climate catastrophe. Internal power struggles can change many plans but the secret ones continue behind the scenes and Ming Qinlao goes to extremes to carry out her own. The possible ramifications of Elise’s pregnancy add to the uncertainties.

A large group of refugees enters the USA, led by Corazon Santos in search of a better future promised by Cassandra. General William Graves is ordered to keep them under control but the meeting with their leader surprises him when she tells him that he will help her achieve her goals.

Ivan Reitman in 2018

The news came of the death of director and producer Ivan Reitman (photo ©GabboT), which happened on Saturday, February 12, 2022. The causes of death were not disclosed and the family simply explained that he died in his sleep.

Ivan Reitman was born on October 27, 1946, in Komárno, in then Czechoslovakia, to a Hungarian Jewish family. His mother was an Auschwitz survivor while his father fought in the resistance to Nazism. In 1951, his family moved to Canada.

Ivan Reitman directed and produced movies of various genres but will be remembered above all for his comedies that were never dull and became part of the history of cinema and remained in the hearts of the audience.