August 2022

On the left the fossil and on the right a 3D image of its lateral view constructed thanks to neutron tomography

An article published in the journal “Scientific Reports” reports the identification of a new species of cynodont that lived about 220 million years ago, in the Triassic period, in today’s Argentina. A team of researchers named it Tessellatia bonapartei after examining a partial skull using an unusual neutron tomography technique after a classic X-ray tomography gave limited results due to the high presence of iron in the rock. The researchers’ effort paid off because some characteristics suggest a rather close relationship with mammals, which are likely descended from a single group of cynodonts.

Soft Apocalypse by Will McIntosh

The novel “Soft Apocalypse” by Will McIntosh was published for the first time in 2011.

Jasper is one of many who belonged to the middle class but found himself unemployed because his degree is no longer worth anything. In a period in which he’s unemployed and homeless, all he can do is travel with a tribe of people who are trying to survive the crisis that hit the USA and in particular some groups of inhabitants.

When Jasper manages to find a job, his life becomes more stable but the economic and social situation in the USA seems to continue in its deterioration. He maintains ties with his tribe even though his life is no longer nomadic because their chances of survival are greater if they support each other. However, the situation keeps on getting worse over time.

Qikiqtania wakei fossils

An article published in the journal “Nature” reports the identification of a precursor of the tetrapods that lived on today’s Ellesmere Island, in Canada, in the Devonian period, about 375 million years ago. A team of researchers named it Qikiqtania wakei and illustrated similarities and differences with Tiktaalik roseae, the possible ancestor of today’s tetrapods. The anatomical characteristics of Qikiqtania wakei indicate that it descended from the precursors of the tetrapods that ventured to the mainland but unlike Tiktaalik roseae it went back to the water, where it developed fins suitable for aquatic life.

Collision with Chronos aka Collision Course by Barrington J. Bayley

The novel “Collision with Chronos”, also known as “Collision Course”, by Barrington J. Bayley was published for the first time in 1973.

For archaeologist Rond Heske, being summoned by the authorities is a great concern because Titan laws are strict. The relief that comes from being asked for his professional advice doesn’t last long because he’s shown photos of some ruins dating back to the times of one of the wars fought against invading aliens that seem to rejuvenate over time. As if that weren’t enough, he’s revealed that an enemy time machine has been found and he must participate in a time exploration.

The shocks for Heske aren’t over as his most trusted collaborator turns out to be part of the Panhumanic League, the organization that leads the resistance to the Titans and preaches equality for all humans, even the ones considered deviants by the regime. Heske ends up involved in a mission that must shed light on an invasion attempt from the future and comes into contact with another civilization whose citizens live in two timelines that are out of phase.