Valhalla Station by David Bruns and Chris Pourteau
The novel “Valhalla Station” by David Bruns and Chris Pourteau was published for the first time in 2019. It’s the fourth book in The SynCorp Saga series and follows “Hostile Takeover”. It’s also the first book in the Empire Earth trilogy.
The leaders of the large factions that make up SynCorp rule the solar system by dividing powers. On the surface, everyone is satisfied a quarter of a century after the Earth was saved from a climate catastrophe. However, an attack in the mines on Mars clearly indicates that there are rebels and this is only their most sensational action.
Ming Qinlao is dying from the long-term consequences of the radiation poisoning she suffered many years earlier. Her brother Ruben supports her but the moment arrives when Tony Taulke demands that Ruben officially become the new leader. The replacement takes place at a delicate moment in which the balance in the solar system is in danger of collapsing.