December 22, 2022

Bloodlines: Home Fires Burn by Gareth Madgwick

The novel “Bloodlines: Home Fires Burn” by Gareth Madgwick was published for the first time in 2019.

Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart is taken from the normal space-time continuum by an entity who explains that he’s the Guardian of the Quantum Realm and needs him as an agent because he can’t operate directly in the physical universe. Now that there’s no one left to watch over the integrity of time, serious dangers are emerging due to interference in the timeline that could cause serious damage.

Professor Edward Travers has been sent to investigate strange events that may be caused by new Nazi weapons but he finds himself involved in the disappearance of a village child. Eileen Le Croissette is sent undercover to investigate a factory engaged in the British war effort which is using far too many resources that aren’t producing new weapons.