
The Machine prototype (Photo courtesy HPE. All rights reserved)

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) presented a prototype of “The Machine”, the computer of the future announced in June 2014. It is a single-memory computer, which means it exceeds the division between RAM and mass memory with its 160 TB (TeraByte) memory, more than that of servers. However, this is not a memtor, the technology being developed that should best combine the benefits of RAM and mass memory.

At the Watson Developer Conference held in San Francisco, IBM announced Project Intu, a new platform designed to make its Watson cognitive computing system accessible from any device. Launched for now in an experimental version, it gives developers who have a Bluemix account to have access to Watson Intu Gateway and create applications using Watson using the SDKs provided as free software through Watson Developer Cloud, Intu Gateway and GitHub.

Part of Sundai TaihuLight (Photo courtesy Jack Dongarra. All rights reserved)

After three years, the world of supercomputers has a new king: the Top500 ranking crowned Sundai TaihuLight, Chinese as its predecessor Tianhe-2 and the first to use national processors while the previous Chinese supercomputers were still using American processors, especially Intel ones. The computing power of Sundai TaihuLight is 93 PFlop/s, nearly three times that of Tianhe-2.

Ian Murdock in 2008

Last Monday, December 28, Ian Murdock, best known as the father of the Debian project, passed away. Born on April 28, 1973 in Konstanz, in the then West Germany, he launched the Debian project in the spirit of GNU project in 1993. The name is a combination of that of his then-girlfriend, Debra, and his. Debian is mainly a GNU/Linux distribution and over time has become one of the most important with the support of several architectures and a huge bouquet of software.