Planesrunner by Ian McDonald
The novel “Planesrunner” by Ian McDonald was published for the first time in 2012. It’s the first book in the Everness series.
Everett Singh goes to meet his father but only manages to see him while he’s kidnapped in a very swift action. The boy can only take a few photos with his cell phone of the car used to carry away his father, not enough to convince the cops, also because Tejendra Singh is a theoretical physicist, he doesn’t work in the field of atomic energy or other sensitive research.
Disheartened by the skepticism of the police and his mother, Everett tries to analyze on his own the photos he took. While he’s trying to figure out what anyone might want from a physicist who’s working in a research on parallel universes, he finds on his computer a message programmed by his father. What’s the mysterious infundibulum he sent him?