A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers
The novel “A Closed and Common Orbit” by Becky Chambers was published for the first time in 2016. It’s the second book in the Wayfarers series and follows “The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet”.
Sidra is an outlaw creature as she’s an artificial intelligence in an android body. Pepper, who managed to achieve that result together with her friend Blue, is committed to helping Sidra adapt to a very different situation than her job as a starship artificial intelligence. It’s a difficult process even if Sidra finds new friends on her path.
Jane 23 is a little girl used together with many others like her to do various jobs. One day an explosion in the factory where she lives and works disrupts her life by revealing that there’s something outside it. She’s frightened, but she escapes taking advantage of the fact that the robots that manage the work can’t leave the factory, and ends up finding an abandoned shuttle where there’s still a working artificial intelligence.